train tunnel


Maven Wireless erhåller avropsordrar om 20 MSEK från Telenor

Maven Wireless erhåller flera ordrar från Telenor på DAS produkter för den Norska marknaden om sammanlag cika 20 MSEK. Ordrarna skall levereras under första halvåret av 2023 och innefattar standardprodukter för tunnel- och inomhustäckning. För mer information, kontakta: Fredrik Ekström, CEO+46-8-760 43 Om Maven...

Maven Wireless receives an order for Istanbul metro

Maven Wireless Sweden AB (publ) receives an order from Uskom Komunikasyon A.S. to deliver digital DAS products for bluelight radio coverage to the new Basaksehir-Kayasehir and Bakirkoy-Kirazli metro lines in Istanbul. The 6 kilometer long Basaksehir-Kayasehir metro line and the 9 kilometer long Bakirkoy-Kirazli metro...

Maven Wireless receives a first order from Vodafone Ziggo

VodafoneZiggo will use Maven Wireless high power digital DAS to build mobile coverage in the Westfield Mall of the Netherlands. The ordervalue is 1,7 MSEK. Maven Wireless digital Distributed Antenna System (DAS) was selected by VodafoneZiggo primarily based on its sustainable DAS product with the...

Maven Wireless receives a first inbuilding order from Poland

The local partner and integrator AKP Wireless will provide inbuilding coverage for the Polish National Museum supporting all Polish mobile operators. The order value is 2,4 MSEK. The customer will use Maven Wireless high power digital DAS and the newest low power DAS product called...