train tunnel


Largest shareholders

Shareholders 2024Number of shares Share of capital, %
Gunnar Malmström*7 400 30414,26%
Göran Grosskopf**4 708 3729,07%
Fredrik Ekström4 010 2497,73%
Almi Invest Green Tech AB2 418 4164,66%
Yvonne Adesam2 408 6984,64%
Miriam Samuelsson2 408 6984,64%
Total shareholders with holdings exceeding 4 percent23 354 73744,99%
Other shareholders28 552 07255,01%
Total51 906 809100%
* Refers to own holding and through the wholly owned company Blånudden Drifts AB (subsidiary Gripsholm Holding AB)
** Indirect holding through capital insurance

Dividend policy

Maven Wireless has not adopted a dividend policy. When considering a proposal to submit a dividend, the board considers several factors, including the Company’s operations, operating profit, financial position, current and expected liquidity needs, expansion plans, contractual restrictions and other material factors. No dividend was paid for the financial years 2020 or 2019. The Board’s intention is not to propose any dividend to shareholders before the Company has established itself commercially and generates long-term sustainable profitability.

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Annual report

2023 was an eventful year

View Annual Report

Q4 Report

Expanding globally

View Q4 Report