Maven Wireless Sweden AB (publ) has received an order via a local partner for a public safety DAS system to a value of 543 kEUR (approx. 6.1 MSEK*).
This order includes the latest digital DAS products for blue light service that support both the old TETRA standard over the 380 MHz band as well as the new generation solution with Public Safety LTE over the 700 MHz band in the same remote unit. Public Safety LTE is the latest generation radio for first responders that supports video and data transmission.
“I am happy about the continued trust of our local partner in the region who already implemented several projects with Maven Wireless unique solution combining both the older generation but also the new standards for Public Safety LTE. We now continue to be trusted to deliver the same solution to even larger projects. This sale and partnership support our further expansion in the Middle East region. Furthermore, it is also exciting that we see several countries in Europe getting ready to implement the same type of solution. In Sweden, for example, the same Public Safety LTE is planned to be launched nationwide, which is called Rakel G2, in parallel with the current Rakel, which is also using the 380 MHz band”, says Fredrik Ekström, CEO of Maven Wireless
*Estimate based on current exchange rate