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Primary insiders and investors in Maven Wireless purchase in total 100 000 shares

Maven Wireless Sweden AB (publ) has been notified that on June 9, 2022 primary insiders has purchased shares off market. Göran Grosskopf purchased 30,000 shares, after the transaction Göran Grosskopf holds 4 638 372 shares in Maven Wireless.
Gunnar Malmström purchased 10,000 shares, after the transaction Gunnar Malmström holds 7,710,304 shares in Maven Wireless.
Johan Lundquist purchased 10,000 shares, after the transaction Johan Lundquist holds 1,962,560 shares in Maven Wireless. In addition investor Bo-Axel Ax:son Johnson purchased 50,000 shares, after the transaction Bo-Axel Ax:son Johnson holds 391,541 shares in Maven Wireless.